Baringa acknowledges the traditional custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to sky, land, sea and community. We pay our respects to their elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.
Our school is located on Gunaikurnai land.


Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support at Baringa School.

What is it?
Baringa School is a School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support School. School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support is an evidence-based framework for promoting and explicitly teaching appropriate and positive behaviours. The framework is organised into a multi-tiered system of support, where Tier 1 (Universal) supports are used across the school, Tier 2 (targeted) supports are used for small groups requiring additional learning and Tier 3 (individual) supports are used for intensive assistance to individuals.
Currently, Baringa School is focusing on consolidating Tier 1 supports consistently across the school. This includes practices such as clarifying, teaching, and acknowledging expected behaviour, discouraging inappropriate behaviour, and ongoing monitoring of student data.
Teaching and Learning
At Baringa, we expect our students to be Safe, Respectful Learners. A school-wide matrix of expected behaviours has been created that lists the behaviours we expect to see. Our expectations are:
Be Safe – We are safe when we take care of ourselves, other people and our school grounds and equipment.
Be Respectful – We are respectful when we act in a way that shows we care about how our behaviour may impact others.
Be A Learner – We are learners when we try our best to learn new things, ask for help, and let others learn.

Students are frequently taught expected behaviours through lessons where they are shown what the behaviour looks like, and provided the opportunity to practice the behaviour at school.

Students are frequently acknowledged for displaying the behaviours expected at Baringa. Student behaviour is recognised through verbal praise, assembly awards and with points on the PBIS Rewards App. Students can the points they earn to save up for rewards including lunch orders, casual clothes passes, toys, craft sets, special activities and technology time.

Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support is part of lifelong learning. It does not stop once a student leaves the school grounds. Staff can support families to use the same philosophy, language, and strategies to improve outcomes at home and in the community.